Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Trying to keep with my weekly journaling. This is my LO for last week. It was kind of a blah week. Next week it will be a little easier to scrap!

What has happened so far this week? Kate got her egg at school. She has been so excited about this project. She named her egg Kaylie. I'm not sure how long they keep these little guys but Kate is having fun while it lasts. Last night we glued the hair on. She decorated the bed really cute too. A couple of the boys at school have already smashed theirs! LOLL

Yesterday was SUCH an amazing day for us AND our country. I found myself glued to the TV watching history in the making. It gives me a sense of peace and I think our future looks bright! I think Barack and his family are great role models for the American people and as far as the "anti-christ" talk goes???


There is something honest in his face, when he speaks. I have NEVER EVER EVER gotten involved in ANYTHING political and I admit I didn't even vote but since election day...and I did want him to win before but I have learned to LOVE this guy and more than that...I trust him!

We are in good hands!

Can't wait 4 the future!

Now...with that said, tonight I pick the kids up from Academic Team practice/Science club and we are headed to town to pick up Kate's basketball shoes. Tomorrow is her first game and she is pretty excited.

I am excited to be off tonight. I have been ON the last 4 nights and it was hard to push myself to work last night but GOD KNOWS I need the money!

Dean is still not working so I hope that you will pray (with me) that something comes along soon! It will be so nice to have some extra money.

I have gotten in a rut with my diet/exercise. I am not near as motivated but hopefully I can get back on the wagon. I need to go weigh...maybe that will motivate me????

1 comment:

MrsCullenized said...

Great LO!!!