Wednesday, September 24, 2008


We have all been working very hard trying to get the house "move in ready". Dean has been putting in some exceptionally long hours at the house. Just some pics of what has happened within the last few days.

Kate and I took on the decorating adventure and took a trip to the local Menards and picked up some paint. LUCKILY, we found the border she had been looking at online for cheaper in the store!!! She wanted horses and while I was leaning more towards the little girl approach..we met in the middle when we found a horse border with pink, purple and yellow flowers. We also had to coordinate with the already pink carpet.

I was so happy with this color of pink. A lot of times the colors look different on the wall than on the little piece of paper you order them from. We were VERY happy with both colors!
I had Mom come up and help me put the border on while Kate was at school. To say the least...she is very happy with the way it turned out! Now we just have to do something with her closet(s)!!!!
Not sure what possessed us to go down to the house to embark on a grueling 2 hours of manual labor but we did. AND we did it as a family. For the first time in a long time, we did an activity in which we will all benefit and for the most part....we had fun!!!!

Dean had built the first wall while I was sleeping and when the kids got home we helped him stand it up, nail the heck out of it and then proceeded to help him build the wall for the west wing. (kinda like the tv show without all the men in suits!!!)
2 WALLS UP!!!!!!

Starting to look like a house now!!!
Kate...standing in our future kitchen!!!
Andy is hanging out of my bedroom wall!!!!
Have you ever noticed how hard it is to take a picture when you are the one holding the camera and there is more than one subject and you can't see what the heck you are shooting????

However, like the pic below, these "imperfect" photos describe my family to a T!!!!! The last one will be blown up and hung in the entranceway to our new house. It is perfect and one of my very favorites!!! (Dean was trying to be like the guy from Home Improvement behind the fence) LOLLL
Watch for updates on the is coming along rather quickly now! We hope to be in by Halloween! It does put a damper on my whole Halloween holiday (my very favorite) because we are in between houses and I usually decorate the entire house (inside and out). Maybe I could put them up at Thanksgiving????


Monique said...

Wow looks like things are moving right along! Love the b/w photo, it's the perfect candid photo! Have a great day!

Unknown said...

Love the photos - how exciting!