Thursday, November 20, 2008


It is official! Cold season is here. The last few days I knew something was creeping up on me. I was trying to pretend that THIS YEAR would be different and I wasn't going to be a victim of the flu! I even got the Flu shot this year!!!!

I remember last year, getting the flu and missing several days of work. I truly believed I was going to die! This year??? I am beginning to feel very similar! I have had some nasal congestion for the last couple days but yesterday...I am not sure what happened. I sneezed all friggin day and I began to think of creative ways to get my nose to stop dripping while I was making cookies with Kate.

Today? The headache and sore throat have introduced themselves to me. Needless to say, I didn't greet them with open arms!!!!

More than anything...I worry about missing work. I have been trying to pick up extra hours and when you miss 1 day?? It wipes the slate and ya have to start all over again!!!! Sooooo today, I plan to sleep (after I spend a while browsing on DST....found a thread this morning on date elements...YAY!!!! )

To top it all off...Dean informs me that this weekend will be the weekend we have to do without water. After he gets our water hooked up in the new house??


Ordinarily, this would be GREAT news...when I am sick???


(Maybe he could carry me down to the new house?)

My boys have released a new video for Gives You Hell...thought I would share as Tyson (not as much as Joe) always brightens my day!!!!

I pray that one day the boys will come to KC or St. Joe would be even better!!!! (Got my fat fingers crossed)

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