Sunday, December 28, 2008

Changes for the new year!

It is a few minutes after 7 and though I slept like a log (REALLY ODD 4 ME) I feel like a slug in the swamp! I did manage to get a couple layouts posted at DST this AM.

My main goal for the new year??? Becoming a member of Britts would save me soooooooo much money!!!! After I post here, I am gonna swing over and get some of her new stuff. I have been pretty financially strapped (and that is REALLY putting it lightly) since Christmas. It makes me wonder why I let this happen every year. I ALWAYS spend too much and then have to pick up all the pieces in January.

Like a gift from above, my Mom got a check in the mail yesterday and because she loves me more than anything she gave it to me!!! So now the light looks a little brighter at the end of my
tunnel. Ok...ALOT brighter!

It is my weekend off and I couldn't be happier at this moment! Yesterday, I got Kate's new camera and printer up and going (she was as happy as a lark), we have a kitchen full of food and even though the whole house is a mess??? It doesn't matter cuz I LOVE cleaning our new house!

Sound crazy??? I am just so happy that there is room to move around and more places to shove things (LOL). Part of me wants to take down my XMAS decor and the other half is saying...LEAVE EM UP! I mean why not??? I have a 3 day off coming up (I think it was an accident that they scheduled me that way) and hopefully there won't be so much ice on the ground!!!!

I did the splitz yesterday as I went to get into my car. Makes me wonder why we don't move down south. I HATE WINTER!!!! It would all be good if I never had to get out in it and I had a remote control to plan the snow.

I should patent that idea!!!!

Til then I need to get rid of the XMAS theme on my blog and throw something else out there! I don't even have any ideas!!!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

I too need a post christmas blog makeover.

Thanks for visiting.

Best wishes for your New Year's Resolution.